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Your dog or cat have a more heightened sensitivity to their surroundings, and how they are treated, than we. So when you see your pet acting a little unusual or depressed, you should understand that they may be experiencing a higher level of stress. Stress is more common with house pets that you’d expect and these stresses can cause some negative health problems. I’ve listed a few “stress” signs that are common in both cats and dogs that may help make both your lives better.


  1. DIARRHEA, CONSTIPATION, OR OTHER DIGESTIVE ISSUE. These can easily be the cause of disease or food intolerance, but your pets react to anxiety the same as you. If your cat has stopped using the litter box and is urinating and/or defecating outside of it, you may be dealing with a very anxious kitty.

  2. DECREASE IN APPETITE. When your pet refuses to eat or loses interest in food, it’s not because they chose to lose a little weight, but could be another sign of stress.

  3. ISOLATION. Some dogs like their alone time and cats are most certainly not the most social animals. However if you find that they are spending time trying to hide or stay away from human contact, or even other pets, you may have a sick and/or stressed pet.

  4. INCREASED SLEEPING. Dogs and cats can sleep most of the day and night. After you’ve had them for a while, you know what their normal sleep patterns are. But when you notice that they are sleeping longer than normal or are becoming lethargic, it’s important to get them checked since this is usually the first sign of illness.

  5. AGGRESSION TOWARD PEOPLE OR OTHER ANIMALS. Pets are territorial by nature, some more than others, but when you notice your pet acting more aggressively, you may consider this a sign of stress. Have them checked to be sure they are not experiencing pain.


You may be asking what you need to do to provide a less stressful environment for your pet?

  1. Your pet needs human interaction and exercise on a regular basis

    • Showing love by petting, grooming or holding them will go a long way in creating a safe and comfortable environment.

    • Dogs like to run, chase and pull. Find a toy that your dog is interested in that incorporates one or all of these characteristics.

    • Cats are predatory animals and enjoy the hunt. Find toys that give them the opportunity to hide and pounce.

  2. Set up a place in your home that becomes a safe zone for your pet. When strangers come into the home like family with their children, your pets need to have a place they can go to that will separate them from the extra commotion when they get tired.

  3. What your pet eats can very well affect their health and well-being. It is important to feed your pet according to the oxidation rating determined by a hair analysis

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