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The C Word Part 2

Mike Lovell

When it comes to cancer you can rest assured your body is doing everything it can to overcome this intruder that threatens it. As we touched on in the previous article, your diet plays a major (and I can’t emphasize the importance of this statement loud enough) part in the body’s ability to repair and overcome the destructive force unleashed against it through cancer. The body is divinely designed to combat this intruder through the immune response, but this response requires specific nutrients and if not provided through diet and supplementation, the body will leach these nutrients from already challenged systems.

The goal is to make sure these nutrients are readily available in the quantity needed to make the body’s defense strong and successful.

Let’s have a look at one of the more common enemies, a breast cancer cell.

There are several theories as to how cancer cells get started, but this is not so much a concern for us since we are dealing with existing cases that need to be corrected. The thing we know about cancer is that it no longer uses oxygen to create energy, but sets itself up as a distillery, fermenting glucose (blood sugar) to produce the energy necessary for its survival.

This proposed mechanism can be outlined in five steps.

Step 1

The attachment of carcinogenic (cancer causing) type molecules to the membrane surface. This involves two factors: (a) the presence of carcinogenic-type molecules primarily of the polycyclic type, and (b) an energized state of the membrane, which may result from prolonged irritation. When these molecules are attached to the membrane glucose can still enter the cell, but oxygen cannot. The cell thus becomes anaerobic.

Step 2

In the absence of oxygen, the glucose undergoes fermentation to lactic acid. The cell pH then drops to 7 and finally down to 6.5.

Step 3

In the acid medium the DNA loses its positive and negative radical sequence. In addition, the amino acids entering the cell are changed. Consequently, the RNA is changed and the cell completely loses its control mechanism. Chromosomal aberrations may occur. In other words, these damaged cells begin to multiply out of control creating a fast spreading tumor.

Step 4

In the acid medium the various cell enzymes (these are responsible for starting and continuing chemical reactions in the cells) are completely changed. Von Ardenne has shown that lysosomal enzymes (used to breakdown large molecules and bacteria in the cells) are changed into very toxic compounds. These toxins kill the cells in the main body of the tumor mass. A tumor therefore consists of a thin layer of rapidly growing cells surrounding the dead mass [3]. The acid toxins leak out from the tumor mass and poison the host. This gives rise to the pains generally associated with cancer. These toxins can also act as carcinogens. (A. Keith Brewer, 1984)

Step 5

The lactic acid that leaks out into the system is carried to the liver where it is then converted to glucose and sent back to feed the tumor, creating a self-perpetuating cycle.

Without getting too bogged down in the chemistry of all this, allow me to make a couple of statements that should help you understand the need for a drastic diet change. As you can clearly see the cancer cells need glucose to survive. It is impossible to shut out all available glucose since the body will breakdown its own tissue to produce it; however, it is possible to extremely limit what is available from outside sources. STOP EATING SUGAR!!!!! Your very life will depend on this. This includes all simple carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, starches, most fruits, and fruit juices.

Normally I’m not a fan of juicing, but in the fight against cancer I believe there is a benefit to limited amounts and types of juicing. It does not make available the minerals locked away in the fiber, but does provide a concentrated amount of vitamins, phytonutrients and anti-oxidants which help strengthen the immune response. Adding 10 to 12 oz. of carrot juice a day is beneficial in the fight. You can add other vegetables such as kale, spinach, other greens with a few berries to help with the flavor.

Wasting is a very dangerous outcome for many cancer patients, especially those that elect to go through traditional therapies. So, keeping your protein intake up is extremely important, whether you feel like it or not. For the first 6 months from diagnosis you should stay away or extremely limit red meat consumption. This is due to the high iron levels found in these meats. Iron is needed for the cancer cells to divide and multiply so limiting it in the diet is highly recommended.

Cooked vegetables are a must!! Heating the veggies begins the enzyme actions that will break the bonds of the minerals and fiber allowing for the absorption of these nutrients and utilization in the body. Magnesium, Calcium, and Zinc are necessary for oxygen transport, protein synthesis and immune function, all vital in the fight against cancer. The best way to get these nutrients is through your cooked veggies. You should try to get vegetables in your diet for all three meals, but for at least two meals your plate should be 60% cooked veggies.

Now before you say it, let me ask, do you really enjoy going to the dentist? Do you look forward to paying taxes? Is your annual doctor’s examination a destination event? Do you enjoy wearing ties?...never mind. In other words, there are many things you do, as an adult, because you just have to do them, so quit complaining about eating your vegetables, since dying is your other option.

In our next article, we will discuss the supplements I recommend. I will talk about why I recommend them and what they do specifically to combat this dangerous enemy.


A. Keith Brewer, P. (1984). The High pH Therapy for Cancer, Tests on Mice and Humans. Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior, 1-5.

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