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I recently read the symptoms of anerexia-nervosa, and they were about the same as mine. Well, I deff had not been starving myself! Lol But because by body didn't recognize all the sugar, processed food, and chemicals in my diet as nutrition, I WAS starving my body for what our needed (mal-nurished, I guess you'd say). It didn't show up for years and years, but finally, it all hit at once, and the lethargic feeling after work and the shying away from socializing turned into FULL-BLOWN CHRONIC FATIGUE / ADRENAL FATIGUE! This diagnosis of malnutrition makes perfect sense with why the major vitamin regimens helped, but nothing completely did until I changed my diet, cut out the corn syrup, sugar, breads, and all processed foods! Using fresh juicing, honegar, vitamins, and Thrive shakes to get better, along with "from-scratch" foods, wild-caught or grass-fed meat &milk, & organic everything else. I am now getting better every single week, losing weight without even trying, and have no more limb weakness or signs of hypothyroid....unless I go off my regimen for a couple days. While I am getting well, I need to stick to it and build my strength back. 
I firmly believe that MANY modern day illnesses and allergies and obesities are caused from the chemicals and sugar put in our foods, and the meds that are prescribed to counter the resulting symptoms. And it's a slippery slope once it starts, because your body WILL start falling apart after a period of time without enough of the proper nutrition. 
(The Nutrional Balancing Program had ALL THE ANSWERS,, but I couldn't find the strength to stick to the diet part of it. Honegar helped kill my cravings for sugar, and juicing like in the movie, "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" on Netflix, helped me get my greens. Tastes MUCH better than any green veggies or green drink I ever tried.) - CB, Florida

I had EXTREME fatigue, muscle weakness, and brain fog. It had gotten so bad over the years, because no one knew what it was and all my tests came back normal (traditional Drs). Since Drs didn't know what it was, they suggested anti-depressants, hormones, and thyroid meds. But I knew that would only be treating the symptoms. I had more apathy than depression, but I believe it was because I was just too weak to handle any emotion. Literally, most days I woke up and shuffled to the couch, and back to bed every night for 16-20 hrs of sleep. I wasn't necessarily "tired"; Sleep was frankly all I had enough energy to do. And I couldn't make much use of my couch time, because I couldn't read more than a couple paragraphs without being completely overwhelmed. (Background: I have a graduate degree, and worked in an upper level management position.) I had almost immediate small improvement on this program, that allowed me enough energy to at least shower and put makeup on most every day, and even run errands on my good days. 9 months into the program, doing it all, I had a Huge copper dump (hit me so bad that I was back in a wheelchair for 2 days, migraine for 3 days, then other things like skin issues, etc. For 2-3 wks.) MUCH better now, and my bad days now look like my Good days used to, pre-dump. My practitioner says to expect 1-2 more before I'm completely back to normal. But now, I can't wait! The program is slow, but we didn't get this way overnight either. After 9 months of following the program pretty religiously, my body finally decided it was strong enough to dump a bunch of copper. It restored my faith in the program, because after about 6 months, I was getting very impatient. I am now a Staunch supporter of this program, and so happy I found it, and my consultant, Mike Lovell!! Where would I be without them? Oh, that's right, I'd be on the couch. --CC, Florida

I was diagnosed with SLE-Lupus, in addition to Hypothyroid disease & several other autoimmune diseases 13 years ago. But I had been having significant health issues since at least 1995. At the time of my diagnosis, my doctor couldn’t give me a five-year survival prognosis. I was on death's door.  While I barely survived past the 5-year mark, I was extremely sick and even my team of doctors – I went to Johns Hopkins at one point -- couldn't help.  I was the typical Lupus patient. I was on more than 24 prescription medications.  I had constant raging fevers, joint pain and swelling, exhaustion, hives, rashes, insomnia, brain fog, my hair was falling out, I  had terrible skin that looked gray and my nails were brittle and ridged-just a few of the daily-24/7/365 issues to name. I was like the zombies on "The Walking Dead,” except with less energy and a worse attitude. Every part of my health, in every way, was failing at an alarmingly fast pace. My husband didn’t know-on a day to day basis-if he’d come home from his 9-5 job and find me dead.  I was that sick.

Two years ago I heard about the Nutritional Balancing Program.  I would like to say I tried it because all my research indicated it was best possible solution, but the truth is I had exhausted every other avenue and none helped.  I was desperate. Within a month of being on the program, I started feeling better.  I had more energy. There was finally light at the end of the tunnel. The increased energy was temporary as I immediately ran out to do everything I had missed during the years I was so sick. I quickly became exhausted, and my body struggled to heal itself. But gradually and with Mike’s help, over the next two years, I lost 100 pounds of inflammation.  I learned how to follow the program, and my body began to recover. The Lupus issues, fevers, swollen joints, and exhaustion faded away.  I was able to stop taking almost all of the medications. My husband and I now have our lives back, instead of waiting for death and enduring, we are now thriving. We are experiencing a Renaissance in our lives: our marriage.  Mike held my hand through this whole process, talking me "off the ledge" daily in the beginning because the program seemed so foreign to me-even though I consider myself very educated about health issues. My hair is growing now and very thick.  My skin is now beautiful and glowing.  My nails are healthy, no ridges-just healthy.  

I learned that Autoimmune diseases are caused by a multitude of factors which were never considered by my doctors - brilliant doctors and the best in their area of expertise.  Nutritional Balancing addressed all the core issues that caused my health to deteriorate.

I learned that even though I was diagnosed 13 years ago, my health was a train wreck 25-30 years before it failed.  I always knew when I was a teenager that I was different and sickly and now I know why.  The energy I had as a young person was contrived: relying on gallons of coffee to make it through my day.  I no longer have to drink coffee.  I'm awake and have more energy without it - I never thought I'd see that day.  During this process, I've referred everyone I know to Mike.  My husband is now on the program, as well as my dogs, and when my brother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and given a death sentence.  My husband is thriving and my brother in law, after being on the program 6 months is now cancer free.  My blood work is now normal. People who see my dogs want to know what we're doing that makes them so energetic, healthy and acting like puppies (they are big dogs-9 and 13 years old).  Our world completely changed for the better 2 years ago. Within 6 months on the program, my doctors told me my blood work showed I was not anywhere near menopause and that I needed birth control (I was diagnosed as being abnormally young post-menopausal 5 years before).  Now I have hormones and I do not have a Hypothyroid problem.  The hardest part of Nutritional Balancing is not running out the door and overdoing it when I started to feel better.


The eating plan/diet is the easiest I’ve ever done. I’ve seen several Naturapathic doctors who put me on liquid diets for weeks at a time.  I now eat more than I ever have and still lose weight. I’ve learned to cook a bit because I have that much energy to cook, clean, eat and take care of myself-things I couldn’t do before.


The program has been a gift.  It was bar none the best choice I ever made about my health.- SG, Louisiana

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